Create a custom check. Select «WMI Query». Path: Browse. In «WMI Query Selection»,
then «WMI Class» drop-down menu select Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration, 
then the «Class Property» drop-down menu,
select IPAddress (you see a lot of null addresses in the evaluation window).
Add of the query: «Where IPEnabled=TRUE» at the end of the WMI query.
Press Evaluate to see the result, Press OK

SELECT IPAddress FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled=TRUE

SELECT DNSServerSearchOrder FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPENABLED=TRUE

SELECT DHCPServer FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration  WHERE IPENABLED=TRUE 

Create a shortcut:
"C:\Program Files\BGInfo\Bginfo.exe" "C:\Program Files\BGInfo\config.bgi" /timer:0 /nolicprompt /silent
Copy the shortcut to "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"