How to update currency exchange rates in BC by using «Eidgenössische Steuerverwaltung ESTV» (Federal Tax Administration - FTA) backend service?
Only core fields with ultimate relvance to the functionality with the ESTV service are mentioned here.
Be aware that your 

  1. Check out the link to the daily rates XML file 
    «Service URL» =
  2. Create a «Currency Exchange Rate Service»  ( Curr. Exch. Rate Service List (1650, List) ) 
    Caption «Parent Node for Currency Code» | Source = /wechselkurse/devise
    Caption «Currency Code» | Source = /wechselkurse/devise/@code
    Caption «Starting Date» | Source = /wechselkurse/datum 
    Caption «Exchange Rate Amount» | Source = /wechselkurse/devise/waehrung 
    Caption «Relational Exch. Rate Amount» | Source = /wechselkurse/devise/kurs
  3. Create «Transformation Rule» for «Starting Date» ( Transformation Rules (1237, List) )
    «Transformation Type» = Date and Time Formating
    «Data Formatting Culture» = en-CH
  4. Create «Transformation Rule» for «Exchange Rate Amount» (Transformation Rules (1237, List)
    «Transformation Type» = Regular Expression - Replace
    «Find Value» =  (e.g. AUD|EUR|GBP|JPY|NOK|PLN|SEK|USD )
  5. Update Currency Exchange Rate Service created in step 2. ( Curr. Exch. Rate Service List (1650, List) ) 
    Caption «Starting Date» | Transformation Rule = (the code used in step 3)
  6.  Update Currency Exchange Rate Service created in step 2. ( Curr. Exch. Rate Service List (1650, List) ) 
    Caption «Starting Date» | Transformation Rule = (the code used in step 4)

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